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About Let's Appraise It

Let's appraise it is a young company focusing on the field of Art, Antiques and Collectibles Evaluation. We've established in the January of 2018 with an ideal of offering everyone an affordable evaluation for their collectibles or objects that they suspect might be valuable. Our experts are highly skilled in any category you will submit your piece in and therefore you will soon receive an online appraisal of your piece after the payment.

Sosyal Yardım Amaçlı İkinci El Eşya Mağazası
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Once Upon A Time...

Denizalp Demir, our founder and a young entrepreneur decided to establish an affordable way to offer art enthusiasts from all income levels instead of the traditional concierge services. His background was suitable for this since he studied architecture in Politecnico di Torino and was involved in the art and antiques sector since 2018 by his antiques company Demir Antiques.

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